Saturday 24 December 2016

ACC 563 Week 2 Quiz – Strayer NEW

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Week 2 Quiz 1: Chapter 1

Chapter 1
Multiple Choice:

  1. Which of the following bodies has the ultimate authority to issue accounting pronouncements in the United States?
a.       Securities and Exchange Commission
b.      Financial Accounting Standards Board
c.       International Accounting Standards Committee
d.      Internal Revenue Service


  1. What historical evidence of the business operations of the private estate of Apollonius was discovered early inthe20th century?
a.       The Iliad
b.      Plato's Republic
c.       The Zenon papyri
d.      Pacioli’s work, Summa de Arithmetica Geometria Proportioni et Proportionalita,

  1. Who has been given credit or developing the double-entry system of bookkeeping?
a.       Francis Wheat
b.      Fra Luca Pacioli
c.       A. C. Littleton
d.      William Paton


  1. Which of the following was not a criticism of the development of accounting standards by the Accounting Principles Board?
a.       The independence of the members of the APB. The individuals serving on the board had full-time responsibilities elsewhere that might influence their views of certain issues.
b.      The structure of the board. The largest eight public accounting firms (at that time) were automatically awarded one member, and there were usually five or six other public accountants on the APB.
c.       Harmonization. The accounting standards developed were dissimilar to those developed by the International Accounting Standards Committee.
d.      Response time. The emerging accounting problems were not being investigated and solved quickly enough by the part-time members.


  1. Which of the following is the professional organization of university accounting professors?
a.       American Accounting Association
b.      American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
c.       American Institute of Accountants
d.      Financial Executives Institute


  1. What controversy originally highlighted the need for standard setting groups to have more authority?
a.       Accounting for stock options
b.      Accounting for derivatives
c.       Accounting for marketable securities
d.      Accounting for the investment tax credit


  1. Which of the following committees recommended abolishing the Accounting Principles Board and replacing it with the Financial Accounting Board ?
a.       Wheat
b.      Cohen
c.       Trueblood
d.      Anderson


  1. Which of the following is a public sector accounting standard setter?
a.       FASB
b.      SEC
c.       APB
d.      CAP


  1. Which of the following types of pronouncements now establishes generally accepted accounting principles?
a.       Statements of Concepts
b.      Statements of Financial Accounting Standards
c.       APB Opinions
d.      Accounting Standards Updates


  1. Which of the following types of pronouncements are intended to establish the objectives and concepts that the FASB will use in developing standards of financial accounting and reporting?
a.       Statements of Concepts
b.      Statements of Financial Accounting Standards
c.       APB Opinions
d.      Accounting Standards Updates


  1. Which of the following is not a consequence of the standards overload problem to small businesses?

a.       If a small business omits a GAAP requirement from audited financial statements, a qualified or adverse opinion may be rendered.
b.      Small businesses do not need to keep financial records
c.       The cost of complying with GAAP requirements may cause a small business to forgo the development of other, more relevant information.
d.      Small CPA firms that audit smaller companies must keep up to date on all the same requirements as large international firms, but they cannot afford the specialists that are available on a centralized basis in the large firms.


  1. Some accountants maintain that accounting standards are as much a product of political action as they are of careful logic or empirical findings. This belief is an example of the concept of
a.       Standard setting as apolitical process
b.      Standards overload
c.       Economic consequences
d.      The role of ethics in accounting


13.  T he impact of accounting reports on various segments of our economic society is the definition of the concept of
a.       Standard setting as apolitical process
b.      Standards overload
c.       Economic consequences
d.      The role of ethics in accounting


14.  Considering and understanding how business decisions affect the financial statements is
a.  The sole responsibility of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
b.  Provided in the auditor’s report.
c.  Referred to as an economic consequence perspective.
d.    Interpreted strictly by the company’s suppliers.


15.           Which of the following is a source of nonauthoritative accounting guidance and literature?
a.           Financial Accounting Standards Board Statements
b.      Financial Accounting Standards Board Interpretations
c.       Financial Accounting Standards Board Technical Bulletins
d.      Practices that are widely recognized and prevalent either generally or in the industry


16.        Which of the following companies was involved in an accounting failure that caused the public accounting firm Arthur Andersen to gout of business?
a.       Goldman Sachs
b.      Wachovia
c.       Enron
d.      AIG



1.      What is the difference between normative and positive theory?

2.      Why is the development of a general theory of accounting important

3.      Discuss the evolution of accounting during the 1930s.

4.      Discuss the evolution of the three private sector accenting standard setting organizations.

5.      What were the purposes of the Wheat and Trueblood committees?

6.      What was the purpose of the GAAP Hierarchy?

7.      What were the four types of pronouncements issued by the FASB?

8.      Discuss why standard setting may be viewed as a political process.

9.      Define the following terms

10.  Discuss the evolution of the phrase “generally accepted accounting principles.

11.  What controversy caused the AICPA to issue Rule 203 that requires companies to use GAAP when issuing financial statements?

12.  Discuss the FASB ASC including the reasons for its adoption and the FASB’s goals in developing it..

13.  Discuss the role of ethics in accounting.

14.  What is a special purpose entity and how do they work?

15.  How did the Sarbanes-Oxley Act change the way the FASB is funded?

16.  Discuss the objectives of the International Accounting Standards Board.

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