Saturday 24 December 2016

ACC 350 Week 2 Quiz – Strayer NEW

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Chapter 1  

The Accountant's Role in the Organization

1) Management accounting information focuses on external reporting.  

2) Cost management is narrowly focused on a continuous reduction of costs.  

3) Managers always require the information in an accounting system to be presented in the same format. 

4) Modern cost accounting plays a significant role in management decision making.  

5) The balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash flows are used for financial accounting, but not for management accounting.  

6) Financial accounting is broader in scope than management accounting.  

7) Cost accounting measures and reports short-term, long-term, financial, and nonfinancial information.  

8) Cost management provides information that helps increase value for customers.  

9) Management accounting has to strictly follow the rules of generally accepted accounting principles  for the purposes of measurement and reporting. 

10) An ideal database should consist of data that could be used for a single purpose only.  

11) An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System is a single database that collects data and feeds into applications that support each of the company's business activities, such as purchases, production, distribution, and sales.  

12) Cost accounting provides information only for management accounting purposes.  

13) Cost management involves long-term and short-term decisions that attempt to increase value for customers and lower costs of products or services.  

14) Strategy does NOT specify how an organization matches its capabilities with the opportunities in the marketplace. 

15) All strategies should be evaluated regarding the resources and capabilities of the company.  
16) The best-designed strategies are valuable whether or not they are effectively implemented.  

17) The key to a company's success is creating value for customers while differentiating itself from its competitors.  

18) The key to a company's success is always to be the low cost producer in a particular industry.  

19) Companies generally follow one of two basic strategies: 1) providing a quality product or service at low prices, or 2) offering a unique product or service often priced higher than competing products.  

20) Management accountants should have little or no role in deciding on a company's strategy.  

21) Companies can decide on an appropriate strategy based strictly on internally available information.  

22) Strategic cost management describes cost management that specifically focuses on strategic issues.  

23) Identifying a company's most important customers does not help formulate strategy. 

24) The best-designed strategies and the best-developed capabilities are useless unless they are effectively executed. 

25) The supply chain refers to the sequence of business functions in which customer usefulness is added to products or services.  

26) An effective way to cut costs is to eliminate activities that do not improve the product attributes that customers value.  

27) For optimal planning success it is best if each business function within the value chain is performed one at a time in sequence.  

28) For best results, cost management emphasizes independently coordinating supply chain activities within your company and not interfering with other companies.  

29) Technological innovation has led to shorter product-life cycles and a need to bring new products to market more rapidly.  

30) Key success factors include cost, quality, timeliness, and innovation.  

31) Customers are demanding increased levels of performance in all aspects of the value chain and the supply chain.  

32) The value chain describes the flow of goods, services, and information from the initial sources of materials and services to the delivery of products to consumers.  

33) The supply chain always occurs within a single organization.  

34) Distribution refers to promoting and selling products or services to customers or prospective customers.  

35) The production component of the value chain refers to acquiring, coordinating, and assembling resources to produce a product or deliver a service.  

36) Management accountants might provide information on decisions on whether to buy a product from outside or manufacture it in-house.  

37) Key success factors are geared to improving customer satisfaction.  

38) Value chain refers to its value to the employee.  

39) Companies have to follow strict guidelines when designing a management accounting system.  

40) Tracking what is happening in other companies is illegal.  

41) Increased global competition is placing pressure on companies to reduce costs.  

42) The increasing pace of technological innovation has resulted in longer product life cycles.  

43) A bottleneck occurs when the work to be performed exceeds the available capacity.  

44) The first step in the decision-making process is to obtain information. 

45) One of the steps in planning is making predictions about the future. 

46) It is difficult to control activities without a budget.  

47) To take advantage of changing market opportunities, the annual budget should be strictly enforced.   

48) A budget is a tool used to plan and express strategy.  

49) The process of preparing a budget forces coordination and communication throughout the company. 

50) Linking rewards to performance is a major deterrent to good management performance.  

51) Employees pay little attention to how their performance is measured.  

52) A budget may be used as a planning tool, but not as a control tool.  

53) Financial accounting reports financial and nonfinancial information that helps managers implement company strategies.  

54) Feedback and learning helps in the future decision-making process.  

55) Control includes deciding what feedback to provide that will help with future decision making.  

56) When a particular aspect of employee performance is measured, employees pay more attention to it.  

57) A performance report compares actual performance to the amount budgeted.  

58) Management accounting is playing an increasingly important role by helping managers develop and implement strategy.  

59) It is generally easy to quantify expected benefits and costs when applying the cost-benefit approach.  

60) The purpose of a budget is strictly technical. It does NOT influence behavior.  

61) A cost concept used for external reporting purposes may not be appropriate for internal, routine reporting to managers.  

62) Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) require that the same accounting methods be used for both internal and external reporting.  

63) Line management is directly responsible for attaining the goals of the organization. 

64) Staff management should NOT provide advice and assistance to line management. 

65) The use of teams to achieve corporate objectives is increasing.  

66) The controller is usually responsible for banking, short- and long-term financing, investments, and cash management. 

67) The controller (also called the chief accounting officer) is the financial executive primarily responsible for both management accounting and financial accounting.  

68) By reporting and interpreting relevant data, the controller exerts an influence that impels management toward making informed decisions.  

69) The controller is generally a staff position.  

70) Management accountants must have behavioral and interpersonal skills. 

71) The Sarbanes-Oxley legislation was passed in response to a series of corporate scandals. 

72) The Sarbanes-Oxley legislation does NOT provide a process for employees to report violations of illegal and unethical acts. 

73) Management accountants have important ethical responsibilities that are related to competence, confidentiality, integrity, and credibility.  

74) A managerial accountant should not disclose confidential information to an outside party (such as a newspaper) unless legally obligated to do so.  

75) If a managerial accountant were not keeping up with current developments in managerial accounting, that behavior might violate a competence standard of professional ethical behavior.  

76) If a managerial accountant suspected his or her immediate superior of wrongdoing, the managerial accountant should request an immediate meeting with the Board of Directors.  

77) The Institute of Management Accountants provides a hotline to discuss ethical issues.  

78) When faced with a potential ethical conflict, the managerial accountant should first consult any internal procedures of that organization.  

79) When confronted with a potential ethical conflict, a managerial accountant should not contact his or her personal attorney concerning rights and obligations.  

80) Most professional accounting organizations around the globe do NOT issue statements about professional ethics. 

81) Management accounting:  

A) focuses on estimating future revenues, costs, and other measures to forecast activities and their results  
B) provides information about the company as a whole  
C) reports information that has occurred in the past that is verifiable and reliable  
D) provides information that is generally available only on a quarterly or annual basis  

82) Managers use management accounting information to ________ strategy. 

A) choose 
B) communicate 
C) implement 
D) All of these answers are correct. 

83) Financial accounting:  

A) focuses on the future and includes activities such as preparing next year's operating budget  
B) must comply with GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles)  
C) reports include detailed information on the various operating segments of the business such as product lines or departments  
D) is prepared for the use of department heads and other employees  

84) The person MOST likely to use ONLY financial accounting information is a:  

A) factory shift supervisor  
B) vice president of operations  
C) current shareholder  
D) department manager  

85) The person MOST likely to use management accounting information is a(n):  

A) banker evaluating a credit application  
B) shareholder evaluating a stock investment  
C) governmental taxing authority  
D) assembly department supervisor  


Financial accounting provides the PRIMARY source of information for:  

decision making in the finishing department  

improving customer service  

preparing the income statement for shareholders  

planning next year's operating budget  


Which of the following descriptors refers to management accounting information?  

It is verifiable and reliable.  

It is driven by rules.  

It is prepared for shareholders.  

It provides reasonable and timely estimates.  


Which of the following statements refers to management accounting information?  

There are no regulations governing the reports.  

The reports are generally delayed and historical.  

The audience tends to be stockholders, creditors, and tax authorities.  

It primarily measures and records business transactions.  


Which of the following groups would be LEAST likely to receive detailed management accounting reports?  


sales representatives  

production supervisors  



Management accounting information includes:  

tabulated results of customer satisfaction surveys  

the cost of producing a product  

the percentage of units produced that are defective  

All of these answers are correct.  


Cost accounting:  

provides information on the efficiency of factory labor  

provides information on the cost of servicing commercial customers  

provides information on the performance of an operating division  

All of these answers are correct.  


Which of the following types of information are used in management accounting?  

financial information  

nonfinancial information  

information focused on the long term  

All of these answers are correct.  


Modern cost accounting plays a role in:  

planning new products  

evaluating operational processes  

controlling costs  

All of these answers are correct.  


A data warehouse or infobarn:  

is reserved for exclusive use by the CFO  

is primarily used for financial reporting purposes  

stores information used by different managers for multiple purposes  

gathers only nonfinancial information  


Cost accounting provides all of the following EXCEPT:  

information for management accounting and financial accounting  

pricing information from marketing studies  

financial information regarding the cost of acquiring resources  

nonfinancial information regarding the cost of operational efficiencies  


Management accounting includes:  

implementing strategies  

developing budgets  

preparing special studies and forecasts  

All of these answers are correct.  


Financial accounting is concerned PRIMARILY with:  

external reporting to investors, creditors, and government authorities  

cost planning and cost controls  

profitability analysis  

providing information for strategic and tactical decisions  


Financial accounting provides a historical perspective, whereas management accounting emphasizes:  

the future  

past transactions  

a current perspective  

reports to shareholders  


An Enterprise Resource Planning System can best be described as:  

a collection of programs that use a variety of unconnected databases  

a single database that collects data and feeds it into applications that support each of the company's business activities, such as purchases, production, distribution, and sales  

a database that is primarily used by a purchasing department to determine the correct amount of a particular supply item to purchase  

a sophisticated means of linking two or more companies to facilitate their planning processes  


The approaches and activities of managers in short-run and long-run planning and control decisions that increase value for customers and lower costs of products and services are known as:  

value chain management  

enterprise resource planning  

cost management  

customer value management  

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